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Succession planning, a family affair

Succession planning, a family affair A delicate process that requires clear communication and effective planning Transferring wealth within a family is a delicate process that requires clear communication and effective planning. Otherwise, it could lead to a potentially large tax bill and bad feelings in the family. This narrative was depicted in the hit American HBO series ‘Succession,’ which centred on the Roy family, the owners of global media and entertainment conglomerate Waystar RoyCo, [MORE]

Charting your financial future

Charting your financial future Tackling retirement anxieties requires understanding your current financial resources Retirement is often seen as the golden phase of life, a period earmarked for relaxation and pursuing personal interests. However, a recent study has pointed towards an increasing trend of ‘retirement anxiety’, especially among individuals aged over 40[1]. This anxiety stems from both financial and emotional concerns, with rising living costs adding to the financial strain. Many adults (39%) fear [MORE]

Pension booster

Many people are feeling the pressure on their finances at the moment due to the backdrop of rising inflation and the cost-of-living soaring. In these circumstances, it can be difficult to think about your long-term finances or even contemplate saving for the future.

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